TRESPAD Conference 2024

Trespass and suicides events on or near railway tracks affect the whole of the rail industry, with an adverse impact on safety, performance, reputation, costs and efficiency. The issue affects all parts of the business and society as a whole and is therefore something that we must tackle together.

Trespass Awareness Day (TRESPAD) is UIC’s second global initiative to raise awareness of the risks at and around railway tracks and property to prevent accidents, incidents and casualties.

Trespass and Suicide Prevention Conference to launch this third “TRESPAD” campaign aims to share with rail industry partners the key activities that current programmes are undertaking. Through this conference we will aim to identify what already exists, what else is needed, what individual organisations can do to help prevent trespass and suicides and how we can work much closer together on these issues.

The very first edition was launched in Denver (USA) on 9 June 2022 by International Union of Railways (UIC) and the Association of American Railroads (AAR)/ Federal Railroad Administration (FRA)/ Operation Lifesaver Inc. (OLI). The second took place in Warsaw (Poland) on 14 June 2023, at the kind invitation of Polish Railways – Polskie Koleje Panstwowe S.A. (PKP) and PKP Group Foundation.

The 3rd edition of TRESPAD (Trespass Awareness Day) will take place on 5 June 2024 followed by the 16th edition of ILCAD on 6 June 2024.

ILCAD and TRESPAD campaigns will be launched at two international conferences (held in person, in Spanish and English) to exchange ideas and best practices on level crossing safety, trespass and suicide prevention.

The events are co-organised by the International Union of Railways (UIC) and the Argentinian Transport Safety Board = Junta de Seguridad en el Transporte (JST).

The conferences will be followed by technical visits on 7 June.

ILCAD and TRESPAD 2024 target “Vulnerable users“ with the slogan “Beware of trains. Life can change in a split second.” 

Rail / road safety – ILCAD/TRESPAD 2024 conferences

Welcome to Argentina

Thanks to La Junta de Seguridad en el Transporte 

Registration to our 3-day-events

Registration is now closed


The venue is confirmed:
Sarmiento 151, CABA
Buenos Aires, Argentina

List of recommanded hotels

List of hotels (English)

List of hotels (Spanish)

Transportation and touristic tips

Tourist Recommendations (English)

Tourist Recommendations (Spanish)

Programs (Spanish)

Trespad Programa

Ilcad Programa

Visita Tecnica Programa



Day one / 05 June


Dr. Julián Obaid

Presidente de la Junta de Seguridad en el Transporte (JST) / President of the National Transport Safety Board, Argentina

Lawyer graduated from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), with more than 15 years of experience in the transport sector. He served as Director of Planning at the Provincial Transport Agency of the Province of Buenos Aires and as permanent consultant for the National Undersecretary of Motor Transport. He was a parliamentary advisor in the Chamber of Deputies of the Nation, where he participated in the project that gave rise to Law 27.514, which created the JST, an organization that he has presided since April 2020.

Dr. Julián Obaid
Chairman of the Transport Safety Board (JST)



Dr. Ann Mills

Deputy Director System Safety & Health at RSSB, Chair of the UIC TreSP-Network 

Ann is the Deputy Director for RSSBs System Safety and Health Directorate. She leads a mixed disciplined department that is responsible for the delivery of the GB Rail Industry Health and Safety Strategy.
Ann is a safety professional of over twenty-five years’ experience, mostly rail related. She joined RSSB in 2000 as a Human Factors Specialist, before moving to head up the HF department which she built up to a total of 14 professionals with an international reputation. She spent the early part of her career at Cranfield University as a Researcher undertaking aviation safety research for the UK and American Aviation Authorities and Shell.
Ann’s academic background is in Psychology (BA from Coventry) and Applied Psychology (MSc and PhD from Cranfield).

Ann has been involved in UIC safety issues for over 20 years. She began as a member of the Human and Organisational Factors Working Group (HOFWG), most recently as Vice-Chair.
Then, in June 2021, she took over the Chair position of the UIC TreSP network.


Dr. Ann Mills
Deputy Director System Safety & Health – RSSB
Chair of the UIC TreSP-Network

United Kingdom


Isabelle Fonverne

Isabelle has been working in an international environment from the very beginning of her carrier in September 1988.

From January 1992 she has been working at UIC, the worldwide professional association representing the railway sector and promoting rail transport, in different domains of activities (high speed, economics, environment, technology and research, interoperability and safety).

From December 2009 until today:
– Senior Advisor, Safety and Interoperability particularly in charge of level crossing safety, trespass and suicide prevention issues at the UIC Safety Unit.
– Project Manager and Coordinator of the International Level Crossing Awareness Day (ILCAD) the unique road/rail safety awareness campaign on a global level (up to 50 countries on board) and from 2022 a second UIC safety awareness campaign on trespassing issues called TRESPAD (Trespass Awareness Day).
– Project manager of a UIC project using AI to observe behaviours of level crossings users, trespassers and suicidal persons in order to propose mitigation measures to the financing railway companies, members of UIC to improve safety.

– Coordinator of the UIC Safety Platform and its following working groups:
• Global Level Crossing Network (GLCN)
• Trespass and Suicide Prevention Network (TreSP-Network)
• Systems Safety Management Group (SSMG) dealing with the European Railway Agency safety related working programme
• International Railway Safety Network (IRSN)
– Member of the UNECE WP1 on Road Traffic Safety and I have been cooperating actively with the UNECE in Geneva to create a Group of Experts on level crossing safety. This group met for the first time in January 2014 and finalized a report in January 2017.

Member of a multi-disciplinary group on level crossing safety created on a national level by the French Ministry of Transport to issue a report with recommendations to improve safety at level crossings in France after the level crossing tragedy of Millas in France that happened on 14 December 2017 in France: 6 children died.

  • Member of a French multi-sector brainstorming temporary group on level crossing safety of pedestrians set up by EPSF in 2023.
  • Member of a French multi-sector brainstorming temporary group on road users at level crossings set up by BEATT in 2024.
  • Member of the consortium and coordination team at UIC for the EU Project Safer-LC
  • Member of the consortium and coordination team at UIC for the EU Project Restrail

Isabelle Fonverne
UIC Senior Advisor Safety, Project Manager of ILCAD and TRESPAD



Francisco García Torres

Coordinador en la Subdirección General de Infraestructuras de la Agencia Estatal de Seguridad Ferroviaria (AESF), Coordinator at the Infrastructure Department of the National Safety Agency (NSA) in Spain.

Soy Coordinador en la Subdirección General de Infraestructuras de la Agencia Estatal de Seguridad Ferroviaria (AESF).
Pertenezco al Cuerpo de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos del Estado.
Ingresé en la Administración en 2010 como técnico adscrito a la Dirección de obras de infraestructuras ferroviarias en la antigua Dirección General de Ferrocarriles.
Desde 2015 llevo a cabo las siguientes tareas en la AESF:
– Supervisión de la gestión de la seguridad por parte de los administradores de infraestructura (ADIF y ADIF-AV, LFP, Autoridades Portuarias).
– Autorización de puesta en servicio de líneas y de entrada en servicio de subsistemas estructurales fijos (Infraestructura, Energía y CMS).
– Desarrollo de normativa ferroviaria, recomendaciones, guías, etc.
– Participación en Proyectos de Cooperación Internacionales como experto nacional en temas relacionados con la seguridad e interoperabilidad ferroviaria (Egipto y Ucrania).
Antes de ingresar en la Administración, trabajaba como consultor en oficina de proyectos de obra civil y cálculo de estructuras.


I am Coordinator in the Infrastructure Department of the Spanish National Safety Authority (Spanish NSA).
I belong to the Corps of Civil Engineers of the State.
I joined the Administration in 2010 as a technician assigned to the Management of Railway Infrastructure Works in the former Directorate General of Railways.
Since 2015 I have been carrying out the following tasks in the AESF:
– Supervision of safety management by infrastructure managers (ADIF and ADIF-AV, LFP, Port Authorities).
– Authorisation for placing in service of lines and placing in service of fixed structural subsystems (Infrastructure, Energy and CCS).
– Development of railway regulations, recommendations, guides, etc.
– Participation in International Cooperation Projects as a national expert on issues related to railway safety and interoperability (Egypt and Ukraine).
Before joining the Administration, I worked as a consultant in a project office of civil works and structural calculations.

Francisco Garcia Torres
Coordinator at the Infrastructure Department of the National Safety Agency (NSA) in Spain


Online intervention


Laura Lorenzo-Carrascosa

Soy Jefa de Sociología del Transporte en la Fundación de los Ferrocarriles Españoles (FFE) y Profesora Asociado del Departamento de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid-UC3M.
EDUCACIÓN. Soy Licenciada en Sociología (UCM), Doctora en Sociología (UCM), Máster en Técnicas de Investigación Cuantitativa (UPM) y Máster en Mortalidad y Salud (CSIC).
ACTIVIDADES PROFESIONALES. En la FFE he participado en proyectos de investigación nacionales e internacionales.
ÁMBITO DE INVESTIGACIÓN. Soy experta en seguridad en el transporte, envejecimiento de la población y movilidad, y mujeres en los ferrocarriles.


I am Head of Transport Sociology at the Spanish Railways Foundation (FFE) and Associate Professor at the Department of Social Sciences at the Universidad Carlos III Madrid-UC3M.
EDUCATION. I hold a BA in Sociology (UCM), a PhD in Sociology (UCM), an MRes in Quantitative Research Techniques (UPM) and an MA in Mortality and Health (CSIC).
PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES. At FFE, I have participated in national and international research projects.
RESEARCH TOPICS. I am an expert in transport safety, ageing population and mobility, and women in railways.

Laura Lorenzo Carrascosa
Head of Transport Sociology at the Spanish Railways Foundation (FFE)


Online intervention


Geraldine Lopez

Communication Coordinator of the Mexican Railway Association (AMF), since March 2019. Carrying out activities such as managing social networks, promoting safety campaigns at level crossings “Railway Safety Week”; events, exhibitions, and seminars; and an active member of the League of Railway Women. With more than 10 years of experience in the railway sector. Previous positions held at the Ministry of Transport (SICT): Head of the Railway Trusts Department, Deputy Director of Railway Projects, and Director of Management Control. She was also Head of Communication at the Rail Transport Regulatory Agency ARTF.
She has a bachelor’s degree in Communication, an intern in the Master’s Degree in Public Administration and a Diploma in Transportation and Logistics.


Coordinadora del área de Comunicación de la Asociación Mexicana de Ferrocarriles (AMF) desde 2019. Realizando actividades como manejo de redes sociales, promoción de campañas de seguridad en pasos a nivel “Semana de la Seguridad Ferroviaria” y “Cuidado con el Tren”; eventos, exposiciones y seminarios; y miembro activo de la Liga de Mujeres Ferroviarias (LRW). Con más de 10 años de experiencia en el sector ferroviario, laborando en la Secretaría de Infraestructura, Comunicaciones y Transportes (SICT), como Jefa de Departamento de Fideicomisos Ferroviarios, Subdirectora de Proyectos Ferroviarios y Directora de Control de Gestión en la Dirección General de Desarrollo Ferroviario y Multimodal; así como Encargada de Comunicación de la Agencia Reguladora de Transporte Ferroviario (ARTF).
Licenciada en Comunicación, pasante en la Maestría de Administración Pública y con un Diplomado en Transporte y Logística.

Geraldine Lopez
Communication Manager
Mexican Railway Association


Online intervention


Luc Sillen

After a successful career as an IT consultant spanning over 10 years, I transitioned to Infrabel, where I have worked as a trainer, conducted capacity studies, and served as a planner. Currently, I lead the innovative “Access To Railway” project, mapping all railway access points for emergency services. Additionally, I serve as the Project Manager for the suicide prevention action plan on the rail network, reflecting my commitment to promoting safety and well-being. With my experience and approach, I strive to contribute to the railway industry’s promotion of railway safety, ensuring the well-being of all stakeholders involved.

Luc Sillen
Manager Action Plan Against Rail Suicides, Infrabel



Annelies de Keyser

Since 2007, I have been working for Infrabel. First in internal communication and later as a communication specialist in team Safety. As communication business partner, I support our Safety Competence centre for all their communication questions, both for internal and external awareness-raising. In terms of external campaigns, we mainly work around the themes of trespassing and safety at level crossings. For this, we have developed projects for schools, campaigns for the general public and more targeted campaigns for specific target audiences.

Annelies de Keyser
Communication Business Partner, Infrabel



Catherine Gillard

I have been a project manager for more than 3 years at Infrabel, the Belgian railway operator. As a project manager, I am responsible for the realisation of campaigns and projects on different topics such as Employer Branding, communication about building sites and safety. For railway safety, I am specifically responsible for raising awareness among young people, which includes, among other things, the realisation of educational programmes (as we will present to you) and the animation of these programmes among young people.

Catherine Gillard
Project Manager, Infrabel



Ing. Alejandro Héctor Leonetti

He is a Mechanical Engineer, is an IRCA Lead Auditor in Quality Management and with a postgraduate specialty in Human and Organizational Factors in Risk Management, being also a Facilitator Instructor in CRM and FFHH oriented to railway activity. He is currently a specialist in Operational Safety applied to Rail Transport and has served as Operational Safety Manager at Trenes Argentinos OPERACIONES since 2014. He has participated from the Ministry of Transport of the Argentine Nation, as an expert and investigator in the latest railway accidents that occurred in the country (Accident of Once, Accident of Castelar and Accident of Once II).

As for his academic activity, he teaches at the University of Buenos Aires, the National University of San Martín, the National University of Lanús and participates in Operational Safety at the National Technological University.


Es Ingeniero Mecánico, es Lead Auditor IRCA en Gestión de la Calidad y con especialidad de posgrado en Factores Humanos y Organizacionales en la Gestión de Riesgos siendo además Instructor Facilitador en CRM y FFHH orientado a la actividad ferroviaria. Actualmente es especialista en Seguridad Operacional aplicada al Transporte Ferroviario y se desempeña como Gerente de Seguridad Operacional en Trenes Argentinos OPERACIONES desde el año 2014. Ha participado desde la Secretaría de Transporte de la Nación Argentina, como perito e investigador en los últimos accidentes ferroviarios sucedidos en el país (Accidente de Once, Accidente de Castelar y Accidente de Once II).

En el marco de la actividad académica se desarrolla como docente Universidad de Buenos Aires, Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Universidad Nacional de Lanús y participa de dictados en Seguridad Operacional en la Universidad Tecnológica Nacional.

Ing. Alejandro Leonetti
Manager Operational Safety, “Trenes Argentinos”



Dr. Juan Ramón Cifre

Médico graduado en la Universidad Nacional de Rosario (UNR) y Magister en Administración de Servicios de Salud en la U.C.E.S. Presidente de la Obra Social Ferroviaria (OSFE) y docente universitario en la UBA, UCA, USAL, ISALUD y UMSA, entre otras.


Dr. Juan Ramón Cifre. Doctor graduated from the Universidad Nacional de Rosario (UNR) and Master in Health Services Administration at the U.C.E.S. President of the Obra Social Ferroviaria (OSFE) and University professor at the UBA, UCA, USAL, ISALUD and UMSA, among others.

Dr. Juan Ramón Cifre
President of the Obra Social Ferroviaria (OSFE)



Robert Wainwright

Works for Network Rail as Head of Level Crossings and Public Safety. His role is to lead the strategic direction for level crossing risk reduction for the business.
Rob is also the chair of Great Britain’s National Level Crossing Strategy Group which brings together stakeholders and organisations from both the road and rail infrastructure leading a coordinated effort to manage and improve level crossing safety risk.
Until his appointment in December 2017, Rob’s career had seen him work within Timetabling, Operations and since 2014 within the Quality, Health, Safety and Environment team as the National Train Accident Risk Reduction Specialist
Rob is currently leading the update of Network Rail’s level crossing risk management framework which includes an update to the current risk assessment standard and processes and is currently working with UK Government (Department for Transport) and road authority representatives on possible legislation changes to promote leaner ways of working and reduce the cost of safety improvements at level crossings.

Robert Wainwright
Head of Level Crossings and Public Safety, Network Rail

United Kingdom


Nils la Cour

Head of Department, DSB – Danish State Railways, Denmark and UIC Vice-Chair of the UIC TreSP-Network

With a background within Air Traffic Control and Air Traffic Management Nils la Cour joined Danish State Railways in 2015. Nils holds a university degree as Master of Public Administration and is second to DSB’s Director of Safety. On a daily basis Nils is responsible for the function and continuous improvement of DSB’s Management System including safety and risk management, safety auditing, investigations and management reporting.
Nils is also Vice Chair of the UIC Tresp-Network (on trespass and suicide prevention issues).

Nils La Cour
Head of Department – Danish State Railways (DSB)
Vice-Chair of the UIC TreSP-Network



Rachel Maleh

Rachel Maleh is Executive Director of Operation Lifesaver, Inc., (OLI) the national, nonprofit rail safety education organization based in Washington, D.C. OLI is a nationally recognized leader of rail safety education whose goal is ending collisions, deaths and injuries on and around railroad tracks and trains. Maleh has over 30 years’ experience in nonprofit management, communications, marketing, fundraising, organizational development, and leadership transition planning.
She was appointed in December 2022 by U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg to be a member of the Federal Transit Administration’s (FTA) Transit Advisory Committee for Safety (TRACS), which provides information, advice, and recommendations on transit safety to the U.S. Transportation Secretary and FTA Administrator.
Prior to joining Operation Lifesaver, Inc., Maleh held several senior level positions at national nonprofits. Her expertise includes communications, marketing, and fundraising.
Maleh has advanced degrees both in International Relations and International Communications from Boston University as well as a Master of Science in Marketing from Johns Hopkins University. She earned her Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and French from Hobart and William Smith Colleges.

Rachel Maleh
Executive Director, Operation Lifesaver, Inc.

United States of America


Heather Neil

Heather has spent 35 years working across the private, public and community sectors focusing on community behaviour change, improvements in public policy and advocacy. Heather joined the TrackSAFE Foundation as Executive Director in May 2020 after 12 ½ years as CEO of Australia’s pre-eminent animal welfare organisation, RSPCA Australia. Heather has a Bachelor of Science and Master of Business Administration.

Heather Neil
Executive Director, TrackSAFE Foundation


Recorded intervention


Angus Mitchell

Angus is the Chief Commissioner and CEO of the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB), Australia’s Statutory and Independent national transport safety investigator.
Angus graduated from the University of Sydney with a Bachelor of Education before serving for almost two decades in the Royal Australian Navy in sea-going and land operational roles spanning the globe.
On leaving the Navy, Angus spent 10 years in the civilian maritime industry, including stints as Deputy Harbour Master for Sydney and Botany, head of NSW Maritime, and more recently General Manager of Maritime Safety Queensland.
Angus joined the ATSB in September 2021.

Angus Mitchell
Chief Commissioner / Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB)



Vinod Bhatia

An Indian Railways Traffic Service officer with over 29 years of professional experience spanning a range of assignments in teaching, telecom, and transport in the field, zonal headquarters, and at the railway board, the apex level. Worked and delivered results in various capacities in Operations, Planning, Commercial, Marketing and IT. As Executive Director Railway Board, coordinates the sanction, budget, fund allocation and payments for IT Projects. As Director/Planning, Railway Board was instrumental in the appraisal and prioritization of railway projects such as doubling, new line, gauge conversion, traffic facility and railway electrification. Undertook extensive research and published papers on supply chain and infrastructure issues, especially benchmarking and transport policy in reputed international journals. Ph.D. in Economics from Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, titled ‘A Study of Indian Railways: Performance and Policy Analysis’. Hindu-Hitachi Scholar in Japan in the field of Digital Media and Electronics. Recipient of University Gold Medal in BTech; University Gold Medal in MA Tourism; College Gold Medal in LL.B.; First Division in M.B.A; Director’s Gold Medal in Public Administration during 67th Foundation Course at Lal Bahadur National Academy of Administration Mussoorie. International guest speaker on planning and infrastructural issues. Delivered talks in the UK, Australia, South Africa, Hongkong, Bali, Malaysia, USA, Canada, Thailand, Nepal and Japan.

Dr. Vinod Bhatia
Executive Director, Railway Board, Indian Railways



Vipul Singhal

Vipul Singhal, working as Director/ Corporate coordination in the Ministry of Railways, Govt. of India, brings 15 years of experience in the railway sector. In addition to his current portfolio which involves inter and intra ministerial coordination, he has also been associated with passenger marketing directorate in the Indian Railways dealing with policies related to various issues including digital ticketing initiatives. He also brings more than 10 years of field experience in the area of passenger as well as freight train operations including safety in train operations and identification and planning for removal of infrastructural bottlenecks for efficient rail transportation.

Vipul Singhal
Director, Corporate Coordination, Ministry of Railways, India



Lisandro López Piñeyro

Lawyer graduated from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) with extensive experience in the transport sector and specialized in the rights of persons with disabilities. Director of the Training Center of the Transport Safety Board (JST).

Dr. Lisandro López Piñeyro
Director of the Training Center of the Transport Safety Board Argentina (JST) and training center (CECAP-JST).



Day two / 06 June


Dr. Julián Obaid

Presidente de la Junta de Seguridad en el Transporte (JST) / President of the National Transport Safety Board, Argentina

Lawyer graduated from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), with more than 15 years of experience in the transport sector. He served as Director of Planning at the Provincial Transport Agency of the Province of Buenos Aires and as permanent consultant for the National Undersecretary of Motor Transport. He was a parliamentary advisor in the Chamber of Deputies of the Nation, where he participated in the project that gave rise to Law 27.514, which created the JST, an organization that he has presided since April 2020.

Dr. Julián Obaid
Chairman of the Transport Safety Board (JST)



Susanna Zamataro

Susanna is the Chief Executive of the International Road Federation (IRF) in Geneva, Switzerland, a global organisation with the mission to promote the development of road networks that enable access to and a sustainable mobility for all.

A well-recognised expert with 18 years of experience in the transport sector, Susanna is an untiring advocate for road safety. She has served as Chairperson of the “Safer Roads and Mobility” Pillar of the UN Road Safety Collaboration Group (UNRSC) and lends her supports to a number of other initiatives supporting the road safety agenda.

Building capacity at all levels and facilitating multi-stakeholders’ partnerships are central in her work and that of IRF. Susanna is involved in Sustainable Mobility for All (SuM4All) federating 57 leading transport stakeholders. She currently serves as a Steering Committee Member and has co-led the WG road safety and the WG data sharing. Susanna is part of the International Coordinating Council of the US Transportation Research Board (TRB).

Susanna Zamataro
Director General International Road Federation (IRF) Geneva


Recorded intervention


Allan Spence

Allan’s career started as a safety regulator with experience in many different industries. In 2000 he joined the HM Railway Inspectorate, later becoming HM Deputy Chief Inspector of the safety and economic regulator, the Office of Rail Regulation. Allan joined Network Rail in 2012 to create the company safety strategy and vision of Everyone Home Safe Every Day, later leading the company’s work in all aspects of passenger and public safety; overseeing Network Rail’s relationship with the National Safety Authority (ORR) and National Investigation Body (RAIB) and leading industry investigation into the most serious safety events on the British network.

He semi-retired in 2022, now providing independent support and advice to various transport sector businesses. He remains vice chair of the Britain’s railway industry System Safety Risk Group, chair of UIC’s Global Level Crossing Network and a member of the UIC Safety Platform.

His rail experience spans all aspects of the British industry including infrastructure management, operators, major projects, light rail and the heritage sector, as well as work with oversees regulators and railway companies. But he also draws on his experience with many other industries, including his roots in agriculture.

Allan Spence
Chair of the UIC Global Level Crossing Network (GLCN)

United Kingdom


Isabelle Fonverne

Isabelle has been working in an international environment from the very beginning of her carrier in September 1988.

From January 1992 she has been working at UIC, the worldwide professional association representing the railway sector and promoting rail transport, in different domains of activities (high speed, economics, environment, technology and research, interoperability and safety).

From December 2009 until today:
– Senior Advisor, Safety and Interoperability particularly in charge of level crossing safety, trespass and suicide prevention issues at the UIC Safety Unit.
– Project Manager and Coordinator of the International Level Crossing Awareness Day (ILCAD) the unique road/rail safety awareness campaign on a global level (up to 50 countries on board) and from 2022 a second UIC safety awareness campaign on trespassing issues called TRESPAD (Trespass Awareness Day).
– Project manager of a UIC project using AI to observe behaviours of level crossings users, trespassers and suicidal persons in order to propose mitigation measures to the financing railway companies, members of UIC to improve safety.

– Coordinator of the UIC Safety Platform and its following working groups:
• Global Level Crossing Network (GLCN)
• Trespass and Suicide Prevention Network (TreSP-Network)
• Systems Safety Management Group (SSMG) dealing with the European Railway Agency safety related working programme
• International Railway Safety Network (IRSN)
– Member of the UNECE WP1 on Road Traffic Safety and I have been cooperating actively with the UNECE in Geneva to create a Group of Experts on level crossing safety. This group met for the first time in January 2014 and finalized a report in January 2017.

Member of a multi-disciplinary group on level crossing safety created on a national level by the French Ministry of Transport to issue a report with recommendations to improve safety at level crossings in France after the level crossing tragedy of Millas in France that happened on 14 December 2017 in France: 6 children died.

  • Member of a French multi-sector brainstorming temporary group on level crossing safety of pedestrians set up by EPSF in 2023.
  • Member of a French multi-sector brainstorming temporary group on road users at level crossings set up by BEATT in 2024.
  • Member of the consortium and coordination team at UIC for the EU Project Safer-LC
  • Member of the consortium and coordination team at UIC for the EU Project Restrail

Isabelle Fonverne
UIC Senior Advisor Safety, Project Manager of ILCAD and TRESPAD



Diego Di Siervi

Director Nacional de Investigación de Sucesos Ferroviarios a la Junta de Seguridad en el Transporte (JST), National Director of investigation of rail safety events at the national transport safety board, Argentina

In 2006, I started the course of studies of train driving, marking the third generation within my family.

When I entered the course of studies of train driving, I was in my second year of the course of studies of industrial engeneering at the National Technical University (UTN), Regional School of Haedo. In my early days, I worked as a driver’s assistant at the diesel locomotive depot in Haedo.

In 2011, I completed the course of studies of industrial engineering and, by mid-2012, I became a diesel-electric locomotive driver, leading a train. My entire career took place in the Sarmiento Railway, where I worked with various services and different schedules.

In 2014, I began studying railway engineering at the UTN, Regional School of Haedo, the first railway engineering course of studies in the country. I graduated in 2023.

At the beginning of 2015, I took and passed the exam to become a technical instructor at the Emilio Dufresne Technical School, part of the Haedo section of the Sarmiento Railway. In 2015, I taught three courses, one for drivers and two for newcomers to the course of studies of driving, teaching regulations, electricity, mechanics, physics, and the traction (various locomotives) and towed (vacuum and compressed air wagons) units.

Additionally, in 2015, I served as the secretary of the higher technical degree in railway rolling stock at UTN Regional Faculty Haedo, and I participated in teaching as a volunteer assistant for two years.

At the end of 2015, I was summoned to work at the National Railway Training Center (CENACAF) in the city of Temperley at the Rail Simulator Center, where I evaluated prospective drivers in driving practices, conducting driving tests and assessing their knowledge of train malfunctions. I also took part in the recurrent training of drivers, who were refreshing their theoretical and practical knowledge in the various laboratories of the training center.

In 2017, I earned the certificate in electric train driving.

Finally, in early 2020, I was invited to join the Transport Safety Board (JST) as the National Director of Rail Investigation. I started working at JST on April 1, 2020, and, to this day, I continue to serve with pride and dedication.

Diego Di Siervi
National Director of investigation of railway safety events at the National Transport Safety Board (JST)



Omar Alonso Antimán Rodríguez

Omar Antimán Rodriguez, Subgerente de Seguridad Ferroviaria en de la Empresa de los Ferrocarriles del Estado (EFE), de formación Ingeniero Civil de la Universidad de Santiago de Chile y Licenciado en ciencias de la ingeniería. 7 años en el mundo ferroviario, liderando los procesos de Investigación de Accidentes, Fiscalización y Certificación del Material Rodante, Acreditando al personal ferroviario y administrando el sistema normativo y reglamentario de EFE.

Omar Antimán Rodriguez, Deputy Manager of Railway Safety at Empresa de los Ferrocarriles del Estado (EFE), trained as a Civil Engineer at the University of Santiago de Chile, holds a degree in engineering sciences.
7 years in the railway world, leading the processes of Accident Investigation, Inspection and Certification of Rolling Stock, Accreditation of railway personnel and managing EFE’s normative and regulatory system.

Omar Alonso Antimán Rodríguez
Deputy Manager of Railway Safety, Empresa de los Ferrocarriles del Estado (EFE)



Helena Rådbo

Helena Rådbo senior advisor Railway safety Swedish Transport Administration, Trafikverket. She began her tenure at Trafikverket in 2013, focusing on suicide- and trespass prevention on state-owned railways, which also includes safety measures at level crossings.
Her academic journey started in 2002 when she enrolled as a PhD student. She completing her thesis on Railway suicide prevention and got her PhD in 2008. Following that, from 2008 to 2013, she served as a senior lecturer at Karlstad University in Sweden.
Helena has also been involved in the Restrail project (REduction of Suicides and Trespasses on RAILway property) 2011-2014.
In recent years, she has expanded her involvement to include GLCN (Global Level Crossing Network) and ILCAD (International Level Crossing Awareness Day).

Helena Rådbo
Senior advisor Railway safety Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket)



Robert Wainwright

Works for Network Rail as Head of Level Crossings and Public Safety. His role is to lead the strategic direction for level crossing risk reduction for the business.
Rob is also the chair of Great Britain’s National Level Crossing Strategy Group which brings together stakeholders and organisations from both the road and rail infrastructure leading a coordinated effort to manage and improve level crossing safety risk.
Until his appointment in December 2017, Rob’s career had seen him work within Timetabling, Operations and since 2014 within the Quality, Health, Safety and Environment team as the National Train Accident Risk Reduction Specialist
Rob is currently leading the update of Network Rail’s level crossing risk management framework which includes an update to the current risk assessment standard and processes and is currently working with UK Government (Department for Transport) and road authority representatives on possible legislation changes to promote leaner ways of working and reduce the cost of safety improvements at level crossings.

Robert Wainwright
Head of Level Crossings and Public Safety, Network Rail

United Kingdom


Juan Ramon Negrete Duran

I have 19 years of experience in the railway industry, as Deputy Manager of Operational Safety, Environment and General Coordinator of Terminals, focused on Implementation of Risk Prevention Management in Train Operational Safety, Monitoring in Rail Transport of Hazardous Substances, General Merchandise and Passengers.

Llevo 19 años de experiencia en la industria ferroviaria, como Sub Gerente de Seguridad Operativa, Medio Ambiente y Coordinador General de Terminales, enfocado en Implementación de la Gestión de Prevención de Riesgos en Seguridad Operacional de Trenes, Monitoreo en Transporte Ferroviario de Sustancias Peligrosas, Mercancías en General y Pasajeros.

Juan Ramon Negrete Duran
Deputy Manager of Operational Safety, Environment and General Coordinator of Terminals, Ferroviaria Oriental S.A. Santa Cruz 



Dr Danijela Barić

Dr Barić is a Full professor and Scientific advisor at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences. Her educational background is in the transport engineering area and her primary research field is multi-criteria decision-making in transport with a particular interest in safety at level crossings (LCs), education, and safety promotion. She established an LC research group at the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences and designed and implemented numerous safety measures regarding accident prevention at level crossings. She actively participates in several scientific and professional associations and organizations dedicated to traffic safety and sustainable mobility. In the UIC, she is a member of two expert working groups: GLCN (Global Level Crossing Network) and the TreSP-Network (Trespass & Suicide Prevention Network). She is a representative of Croatia in the European Union Agency for Railways. Dr Baric organized and moderated domestic and international workshops, round tables, and conferences and was responsible for the organization of ILCAD 2018 in Zagreb, Croatia. For her professional and scientific work, she received many prestigious awards.

Dr. Danijela Barić
Full professor, Scientific advisor
University of Zagreb, Faculty of transport and traffic sciences



Maryam Hedayati

Maryam Hedayati is a professional engineer with over 15 years of experience in the field of Transportation, in particular rail and road safety . She has a bachelor in Civil Engineering from the University of Ottawa. She works as a Senior Railway Engineer with Transport Canada’s Rail Safety directorate, in the Crossings and Signals Group.

Maryam Hedayati
Senior Railway Engineer at Transport Canada



Dr. Starr Kidda

Dr. Starr Kidda works for the United States Department of Transportation, Federal Railroad Administration (FRA). Starr is the Human Factors Division Chief in FRA’s Office of Research, Development and Technology. Starr has supported railroad safety research at FRA for 10 years. Her team conducts research related to human performance issues in railroading, and also grade crossing safety and trespass prevention. Starr has a Ph.D. in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from the University of Georgia.

Dr. Starr Kidda
Human Factors Division Chief, U.S. DOT Federal Railroad Administration (FRA)

United States of America


Ruben Darío Peña Bolivar

El Sr. Peña trabaja en ENSCO Inc. apoyando el trabajo con todo el gobierno de los EE. UU., las agencias de tránsito de los EE. UU. y clientes globales. El Sr. Peña ha trabajado en ENSCO desde 2018 como director de la División de Transporte Terrestre. Se le ha encomendado la tarea de promover las soluciones de seguridad y protecciónde ENSCO a nivel nacional e internacional. Anteriormente, trabajó en el Centro de Tecnología de Transporte de la Asociación de Ferrocarriles Estadounidenses (TTCI) por 25 años. En TTCI, comenzó como ingeniero y avanzó rápidamente a niveles de ingeniero sénior trabajando principalmente en proyectos internacionales con concentración en problemas dinámicos de ruedas/rieles. Antes de esa asignación, ayudó a administrar el Departamento de Servicios de Ingeniería en TTCI. El Sr. Peña fue director de TTCI, trabajando en la promoción y el desarrollo de soluciones para la base de clientes de TTCI. El Sr. Peña tiene más de 30 años de experiencia en ingeniería diversificada. En el trabajo anterior fue ingeniero de pruebas no destructivas para Kaiser Aerospace, realizando investigaciones y desarrollos en materiales utilizados en sus programas de cohetes y misiles. De 1993 a 2001, el Sr. Peña dicto clases pruebas no destructivas en la Universidad Estatal de Colorado-Pueblo. También es miembro de la Directiva en la Fundación de la Universidad Estatal de Colorado-Pueblo. El logro más reciente del Sr. Peña fue liderar el equipo de propuestas que ganó con éxito el IDIQ de $571 millones por 20 años para administrar y operar el Centro de Pruebas de Transporte de la Administración Federal de Ferrocarriles en Pueblo Colorado (


Mr. Peña works at ENSCO Inc. supporting the work with all U.S Government, the U.S Transit agencies and global clients. Mr. Peña has worked at ENSCO since 2018 as Director for the Surface Transportation Division. He has been tasked to promote ENSCO safety and security solutions nationally and internationally. Previously he worked at the Association of American Railroads’ Transportation Technology Center (TTCI) for 25 years. At TTCI, he started as engineer and quickly advanced to Senior Engineer levels working mainly on international projects with concentrations in wheel/rail dynamic issues. Prior to those assignment, he helped managed the Engineering Services Department at TTCI. Mr. Peña was a director with TTCI, working promoting and developing solutions for TTCI’s client base.
Mr. Peña has 30 years of diversified engineering experience. Previous work involved being a Nondestructive Testing Engineer for Kaiser Aerospace, conducting R&D in materials used in their rocket and missile programs. From 1993 to 2001 Mr. Peña taught nondestructive testing at Colorado State University-Pueblo. He is also a board member and trustee of Colorado State University-Pueblo Foundation.
Mr. Peña’s most recent accomplishment was leading the proposal team that successful won the 20 year, $571 million IDIQ to manage and operate the Federal Railroad Administration’s Transportation Test Center in Pueblo Colorado.

Ruben Darío Peña Bolivar
Director of Site Modernization – ENSCO

Sponsor – Bronze

United States of America


Wende Corcoran

Wende Corcoran is Vice President of Operation Lifesaver, Inc., the national, nonprofit rail safety education organization based in Washington, DC. Corcoran has over 24 years’ experience in educational materials development, nonprofit operations and administration. She manages the organization’s budget and relationships with federal grant partners, and oversees training, educational materials and tools. Corcoran has been with OLI since June of 1999 and has developed instructional programs and award-winning eLearning programs for the public. Before joining Operation Lifesaver, Corcoran was an educational resource specialist for gifted and talented students in Loudoun County, Virginia public schools, where she managed as many as 91 teachers and 2,100 students in a specialized educational program. Corcoran holds a master’s degree in Curriculum Development and Training from George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia and a B.S. in Education from Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana.

Wende Corcoran
Vice President of Operation Lifesaver, Inc. 

United States of America


Sanja Paic

Sanja Paic, as a Master of Economics (expert in promotion and visual communication), has been working on the railway for 25 years as an educator, especially on issues of safety and risky behavior of young people at level crossings. Sanja Paic is also the founder of the Safety Guru Institute for the Promotion of traffic Culture and Safety, where they have been working for 5 years on numerous projects in traffic sector and educations for future safety managers.

Sanja Paic
President, Safety Guru Institute



Lisandro López Piñeyro

Lawyer graduated from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) with extensive experience in the transport sector and specialized in the rights of persons with disabilities. Director of the Training Center of the Transport Safety Board (JST).

Dr. Lisandro López Piñeyro
Director of the Training Center of the Transport Safety Board Argentina (JST) and training center (CECAP-JST).



Łukasz Sawicki

Łukasz Sawicki, a graduate of Polish philology, is professionally involved in public relations, marketing and CSR. He has been working at the PKP Group Foundation for 4 years, currently as a PR and marketing manager. In his free time he travels, takes photos and plays the ukulele.

Łukasz Sawicki
Public Relation and Marketing Manager (PKP Group Foundation)


Organising Commitee

UIC, the international union of railways (logo)

UIC would like to thank our hosts Junta de Seguridad en el Transporte (JST) for their support in the organisation of our events in Buenos Aires, Argentina.


JST - Junta de Securidad en el Transporte

In the railway field, the JST investigates any event related to the circulation of a vehicle that causes death or serious injury to persons and serious damage to rolling stock, railway infrastructure and the environment. In addition, it will also intervene in case of collision or derailment, as well as fire, spillage in the rolling stock or in the railway infrastructure, provided that all of them occur within the territory of the Argentine Republic. Once the process of investigation and analysis of the event is concluded, the JST controls the operational safety measures implemented.


En el ámbito ferroviario la JST investiga cualquier suceso que esté relacionado con la circulación de un vehículo que produzca tanto muerte como lesiones graves a las personas y daños graves al material rodante, la infraestructura ferroviaria y al ambiente. Además, también intervendrá en caso de colisión o descarrilamiento, como así también incendio,derrame en el material rodante o en la infraestructura ferroviaria, siempre que todos ellos sucedan dentro del territorio de la República Argentina. Una vez concluido el proceso de investigación y análisis del suceso, la JST realiza el control de las medidas de seguridad operacional implementadas.


Sponsors Silver



With over 60 years of experience, Schweizer Electronic offers leading railroad safety systems for construction sites, level crossings and radio remote controls for rail vehicles as well as partnerships for innovation projects.
Since its foundation in 1964, Schweizer Electronic has been a pioneer in the provision of railroad safety systems. The headquarters in Reiden, Switzerland, serves as an innovation, development and production center as well as a starting point for worldwide distribution via subsidiaries and partners.
A team of around 220 employees works continuously on the further development of products and technologies to meet the growing demands of rail traffic. Schweizer Electronic’s mission is to contribute to a safer and more efficient rail infrastructure worldwide while promoting the mobility of people.
Schweizer Electronic offers a comprehensive service that covers the entire life cycle of the products. From analyzing the situation to providing comprehensive support – remote and on-site – customers are guaranteed seamless cooperation.
A dedicated support team is available around the clock, 24/7, to provide technical support and deliver quick solutions when needed.
In addition, Schweizer Electronic offers training courses and training programs, both online, at the Reiden site, or at the customer’s premises, to ensure that the full potential of the products and application possibilities is exploited. The training courses are conducted by experienced professionals and enable customers to deepen their expertise, expand their skills and acquire a certificate for the respective application.


Schweizer Electronic (Switzerland)




Samy Zaazaa

As Head of Business Development and Sales, I have proven the ability to identify and capitalise on emerging business opportunities, build new markets, and establish profitable relationships with key stakeholders. My experience in market analyses and business planning has enabled me to successfully launch products and services in new territories, and develop effective go-to-market strategies that have resulted in significant revenue growth.

I am deeply passionate about creating value for customers and assisting businesses in achieving their objectives. With fluency in five languages, I excel in communicating and building relationships with clients and partners from diverse cultural backgrounds. I remain fully committed to delivering exceptional service and excellence, and am eager to contribute my skills and expertise to dynamic and forward-thinking organisations.

Currently enrolled in the part-time MBA program at the University of St. Gallen, I am gaining a deeper understanding of business operations, including finance, marketing, and leadership. Additionally, I am acquiring valuable insights into market trends and consumer behavior, which will enable me to develop even more effective business strategies tailored to the needs of different markets and customer segments.
Upon completing the program, I am confident that I will possess the necessary leadership skills, strategic decision-making abilities, and innovative mindset to drive business growth and constant innovation.

With my proficiency in several languages, I can effectively communicate with a diverse team, fostering strong relationships and promoting collaboration across different cultures. I highly value the diverse perspectives my team members bring to the table and encourage them to think outside the box and challenge themselves to come up with innovative solutions. I firmly believe that establishing a culture of creativity and continuous improvement can give my organization a competitive edge.

I prioritize building trust with my team members and empowering them to take ownership of their work. I am confident that this approach fosters a positive and productive work environment that helps my organization achieve its goals.

Samy Zaazaa
Head of Business Development & Sales at Schweizer Electronic AG | MBA Candidate University of St. Gallen (HSG)



Wavetrain is an innovating Norwegian company. At Wavetrain our aim is to reduce risk at level crossings. The conventional cost of securing level crossings is staggering. Installing and maintaining conventional systems incur a high cost on the infrastructure owners. The Wavetrain system installs in a night without service interruption. Overall cost and time spent installing and operating the Wavetrain system offers great value to our customers. By installing our system, you will increase the reach of available funds to reduce risk at a greater number of unprotected crossings. The Wavetrain Level Crossing Protection (WLXP) System is Type Approved in the UK by Network Rail and is a unique and smart way to upgrade your level crossings.

Wavetrain (Norway)



Per Mörlin

Per has a Master in Business and Economics from Norwegian School of Management BI, majoring in Marketing and Strategy. He has an extensive background holding various commercial managerial roles on several markets, and in complex international and multicultural matrix environments. Latest coming from leading international expansion and strategic development of both customers and partners of Norwegian MaaS/SaaS start-ups with disruptive technologies. He has extensive experience in international B2B and a long history of solid strategic focus and proven track record in highly competitive markets with strong demand for innovation.

Per Mörlin
Chief Sales Officer

Pål E Bratlie

Pål E Bratlie has a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering, with a focus in microelectronics and safety, from the University of California, Santa Barbara. He has spent 26 years in the Kongsberg & Aerospace group, the last position as Executive Vice President, Land Systems. He is a dynamic and passionate leader with a strategic mindset and strong business acumen. Experienced Senior Executive managing large, complex organizations and programs both in domestic and international businesses. He has been a driver for change and long-term growth, always striving for efficiency and business mindset. During his career, he has been leading businesses to growth, but also significant reorganizations, down scaling, and mergers. More than 14 years of experience as an Executive Vice President for international operations, building strong management teams responsible for profit and loss. He has strong skills within business development and government relations in a highly competitive environment.

Pål E. Bratlie
Chief Executive Officer

Sponsor Bronze



ENSCO delivers advanced rail technology solutions for the passenger, transit and freight rail markets.


United States of America


Ruben Darío Peña Bolivar

El Sr. Peña trabaja en ENSCO Inc. apoyando el trabajo con todo el gobierno de los EE. UU., las agencias de tránsito de los EE. UU. y clientes globales. El Sr. Peña ha trabajado en ENSCO desde 2018 como director de la División de Transporte Terrestre. Se le ha encomendado la tarea de promover las soluciones de seguridad y protecciónde ENSCO a nivel nacional e internacional. Anteriormente, trabajó en el Centro de Tecnología de Transporte de la Asociación de Ferrocarriles Estadounidenses (TTCI) por 25 años. En TTCI, comenzó como ingeniero y avanzó rápidamente a niveles de ingeniero sénior trabajando principalmente en proyectos internacionales con concentración en problemas dinámicos de ruedas/rieles. Antes de esa asignación, ayudó a administrar el Departamento de Servicios de Ingeniería en TTCI. El Sr. Peña fue director de TTCI, trabajando en la promoción y el desarrollo de soluciones para la base de clientes de TTCI. El Sr. Peña tiene más de 30 años de experiencia en ingeniería diversificada. En el trabajo anterior fue ingeniero de pruebas no destructivas para Kaiser Aerospace, realizando investigaciones y desarrollos en materiales utilizados en sus programas de cohetes y misiles. De 1993 a 2001, el Sr. Peña dicto clases pruebas no destructivas en la Universidad Estatal de Colorado-Pueblo. También es miembro de la Directiva en la Fundación de la Universidad Estatal de Colorado-Pueblo. El logro más reciente del Sr. Peña fue liderar el equipo de propuestas que ganó con éxito el IDIQ de $571 millones por 20 años para administrar y operar el Centro de Pruebas de Transporte de la Administración Federal de Ferrocarriles en Pueblo Colorado (


Mr. Peña works at ENSCO Inc. supporting the work with all U.S Government, the U.S Transit agencies and global clients. Mr. Peña has worked at ENSCO since 2018 as Director for the Surface Transportation Division. He has been tasked to promote ENSCO safety and security solutions nationally and internationally. Previously he worked at the Association of American Railroads’ Transportation Technology Center (TTCI) for 25 years. At TTCI, he started as engineer and quickly advanced to Senior Engineer levels working mainly on international projects with concentrations in wheel/rail dynamic issues. Prior to those assignment, he helped managed the Engineering Services Department at TTCI. Mr. Peña was a director with TTCI, working promoting and developing solutions for TTCI’s client base.
Mr. Peña has 30 years of diversified engineering experience. Previous work involved being a Nondestructive Testing Engineer for Kaiser Aerospace, conducting R&D in materials used in their rocket and missile programs. From 1993 to 2001 Mr. Peña taught nondestructive testing at Colorado State University-Pueblo. He is also a board member and trustee of Colorado State University-Pueblo Foundation.
Mr. Peña’s most recent accomplishment was leading the proposal team that successful won the 20 year, $571 million IDIQ to manage and operate the Federal Railroad Administration’s Transportation Test Center in Pueblo Colorado.

Ruben Darío Peña Bolivar
Director of Site Modernization – ENSCO

Sponsor Supporter



BODAN is a level crossing system that is used for all types of rail & sleepers, characterized by high quality & a
long life time in different road stresses & climate conditions.

Gmundener Fertigteile – BODAN (Austria)



Roman Wiesinger

Roman has an MSc degree in “Engineering” from University of Applied Sciences in Wels (Austria) and a Diploma degree in “Mechatronics and Economy” from the same University. He also owns an degree in “Mechanical Engineering” from the Higher Technical Institute in Linz (Austria).

Roman has been working in the railway sector since 2007. His previous jobs have included the executive assistance and the area sales management of Plasser & Theurer track maintenance machines in the regions of Northern America, Australia and Scandinavia. He is both technical and economical expert in the area of superstructure, catenary, track maintenance and the required equipment.

Since 2023, Roman has moved within the railway sector to Gmundner Fertigteile in which he is responsible for international sales and marketing of level crossing solutions. He takes over the responsibilities of Georg Engl and is convinced to implement his background into innovations of level crossing safety in the countries of interest, not limited to any continent.

Roman Wiesinger
International Sales Manager for BODAN, Gmundner Fertigteile

Call for papers

If you wish to submit an abstract to the TRESPAD conference click here

Last deadline: 15th April 2024

Call for sponsorship (English)

Call for Sponsorship (Spanish)

for more information on rates, please contact