TRESPAD Conference 2025

Trespass Awareness Day and Suicide Prevention

Trespass and suicides events on or near railway tracks affect the whole of the rail industry, with an adverse impact on safety, performance, reputation, costs and efficiency. The issue affects all parts of the business and society as a whole and is therefore something that we must tackle together.

Trespass Awareness Day (TRESPAD) is UIC’s second global initiative to raise awareness of the risks at and around railway tracks and property to prevent accidents, incidents and casualties.

Trespass and Suicide Prevention Conference to launch this third “TRESPAD” campaign aims to share with rail industry partners the key activities that current programmes are undertaking. Through this conference we will aim to identify what already exists, what else is needed, what individual organisations can do to help prevent trespass and suicides and how we can work much closer together on these issues.

The very first edition was launched in Denver (USA) on June 9, 2022 by International Union of Railways (UIC) and the Association of American Railroads (AAR)/ Federal Railroad Administration (FRA)/ Operation Lifesaver Inc. (OLI). The second took place in Warsaw (Poland) on June 14, 2023, at the kind invitation of Polish Railways – Polskie Koleje Panstwowe S.A. (PKP) and PKP Group Foundation. The 3rd edition took place on June 5, 2024, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, followed by the 16th edition of ILCAD on June 6, 2024.

The 4th edition TRESPAD (Trespass Awareness Day) will take place on June 4, 2025, in York, Great Britain followed by the 17th edition of ILCAD on June 5 2025.

ILCAD and TRESPAD campaigns will be launched at two international conferences to exchange ideas and best practices on level crossing safety, trespass and suicide prevention.

The events are co-organised by the International Union of Railways (UIC) , by NETWORK RAIL and RSSB (Rail Safety and Standards Board) ) at the National Railway Museum in York, UK.

The conferences will be followed by technical visits on June 6.

The theme of the ILCAD and TRESPAD 2025 conferences is “Helping people make good decisionswith the slogan “Safe decisions – every time.”

Call for papers

Paper submission is now closed.

Registration to our 3-day-event

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National Railway Museum:

To visit the museum, book your tickets here or to get there ///

Leeman Rd, York YO26 4XJ
9 min walk to National Railway Museum (NRM) from York Station

How to get there

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List of recommended hotels

List of hotels

ILCAD/TRESPAD 2025: Hotel recommendations